
Music Videos

In Christ Alone/ Come Thou Fount

Listen to the inspiring melodies of "In Christ Alone" (originally by ‪Keith and Kristyn Getty‬) and "Come Thou Fount" in this elegant new arrangement sung by Cosette Jones. Featuring piano and flute, this rendition is sure to uplift your spirit and soothe your soul. Perfect for anyone who loves Christian hymns!

Defying Gravity

Experience the magic of Broadway with Cosette Jones's stunning cover of "Defying Gravity" from the Tony Award–winning hit "Wicked". The soaring vocals, dynamic piano, and beautiful Utah scenery are sure to leave you spellbound!

Weary Traveler

From the powerful vocals to the elegant piano and cello accompaniment, "Weary Traveler" (originally by Jordan St. Cyr) reassures us that we can find peace in Christ no matter our circumstances. Arranged masterfully to include musical quotes from the old American folk hymn, "The Wayfaring Stranger", and videoed in two different beautiful Utah settings, this video will fill your heart with warmth and peace.

Nearer Than I Can Imagine

“Nearer My God To Thee” has always held a special place in my heart. I have found peace in its simplistic majesty, and to combine it with the loving and yearning spirit of “I Can Only Imagine” was incredible. We thoughtfully recorded this beautiful song in sacred and holy spaces in an effort to better share the light it offers. I know that our Father in Heaven loves each of his children and is eager for us to be near to Him. I hope this touches your heart as it has mine.

